The Quotation Marks

Monday, May 28, 2012


Today, is a day of memories. A day of remembrance of those who have risked their lives for the their beloved countries. All of the soldiers, cadets, airmen, officers, sailors, and other military members... thank you. Thank you for dedicating your time and efforts for the people of the United States of America.

Today is a day of memories. A day of sorrow for those who have lost loved ones on the battlefield of freedom. The men and women of all ages that have served/are serving/will serve this country have not only changed the history of this nation, but will continue to lead on a legacy of a brave population of people.

Today is a day of memories. A day of silence to all moms, dads, sisters, brothers, friends, neighbors, and peers that have shown the highest rank of patriotism, loyalty, and honor in order to keep this country safe. To keep this nation a place where hope can still be found. To fight for and show the true meaning of strength and determination. 

Today is Memorial Day. A day of memories, forever.

This is sort of a tangent, but I reeeeally liked this quote soooooo..... for the quote of today:
"Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So, love the people who treat you right, and forget about the ones who don't. And believe that everything happens for a reason... if you get a chance- take it; if it changes your life- let it. Nobody said that it would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it."

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Even the young can see.

Most of the time, the saying that "Mommy and daddy always knows what's best" is something that is used in times of distress. Especially when it involves their own children in the instance. Well, what many people of the younger population today are trying to do, is defy not only the purpose of that saying, but also prove that children can have the opportunity to make 'adult-like' decisions. As I was just streaming through YouTube today, I came across this video of a young 12 year old girl that made probably one of the most courageous moves that I have yet to see such a young girl do. She took the initiative among her and her classmates, to approach the United Nations about the exponentially growing issues that aren't being taken care of. In such a manner that she stood up at the podium (which only certain delegates usually do) and expressed the importance of the ignored problems as they escalate to extremes that even she can see will deteriorate the Earth as a whole. It's amazing what one voice can do. But with that, there needs to be the initial voice to introduce the unsolved demeanor. Take a look, it's something that I would recommend to take 5 minutes out of your day to see what that voice can do, even if it's not mommy or daddy doing the talking.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Baby Steps

Hey guys! I'm literally just sitting here doing absolutely nothing but listening to music and fantasizing my 'wannabe famous' life, so I figured why not post a blog to help the time pass? Besides, I've been meaning to keep up with it whether anyone even reads it or not. Which.... Gets me thinking, who really does read it?! I try to diversify my intros to every blog not only to spice things up, but also to kind of cater to anyone that could possibly be looking at my posts. If I did leave you out and you happen to fall into a different category than what I've previously 'intro'-Ed, I'm sorry dogs/dudes/sk8ers/jocks/punks/Kool kats/prince/etc. Anyways, you probably have noticed that I actually go off on tangents quiten often and I apologize for that in advance. My mind just gets going and ideas start to just roll in! But that's not always a fault. It's good to have a trait that can help snowball into the next idea at times. Maybe not necessarily when you are trying to pick up a chick and you're nervous out of your trousers and blab on... That's maybe when I would advise you to shut your pie hole. Just kidding, I wouldn't say that, well, maybe I would. Don't test it. ;) As I was saying in my last post I just finished my first year at the University of Utah, and I never thought I'd see the day where I would be a part of the most amazing sorority, live the campus life, and most of all be out 'till 5 am. Yup, that's right. I did it, sorry mom and pops if you read that. I know you two want me home well before the sun sets, but let's get real, the life of the party doesn't even get poppin' until like 11:30. Especially at any fraternity house. Whoops, once again, sorry. Anywho, it's true! And any college student who is/does/has experienced it will vouch for my claim. But hey, it's all a part of 'The College Life', isn't it? Everyone has their own life, and don't get me wrong I totally understand that, so I know my situation is different from everyone else, and everyone else's are different from mine. But, mine is little harder to explain. I'm a Christian and coming to a new campus is like setting foot in a whole different country if you don't know your surroundings too well. But I attend a Korean Christian church because my mom is Korean and we've been going to one for quite some time now. And on came along Delta Gamma. I had plenty of people tell me not to join because sororities are just places to party and let loose because kids are finally breaking from the ball and chain barrier built by their parents. And a lot of the people who were concerned of my being a part of this sorority were members of my church. They were scared I would forget who I was in the midst of it all. As if I didn't know who I was... Shooooot who are they to tell me?! Is what I thought, and then it hit me. Who am I? Some of you out there who do bother to read this may ask, why is she starting to write actual blogs and not just your cliche quotes? What would concoct this girl to do something that most girls already do? Is she planning on just complaining about how the guy at Starbucks got her order wrong and didn't put the two extra shots of espresso?! Well, I hate to burst the bubble of the false-eluding-statement-hungry egotistical people out there, but no. The purpose of my blog is not to feed the people who are looking for that. I'm going to write blogs because it helps me as a person to kind of have an 'outer body' experience, if you will. It helps me realize and become even more grateful for the things that I do have and not mad for those that I don't possess. It helps me release and share what I think is right and express what I feel at the moment. Since I am the only child, and I don't even have a dog to cuddle with at home, I figured a blog would have to do the trick as my go-to person for the time being. It's great too because not only can I say whatever my little heart pleases, but in any point in time I can turn to it and it will be right there waiting for my sweet little feelings to be spilled into. I have never done anything that I regret to this day. Yes, I have made my share of bad decisions but among those they have been quite the lessons learned and funny stories to reflect on later. One thing I definitely do not regret is becoming a part of one of the strongest sisterhoods I've ever been around, Delta Gamma. These girls at my chapter have nothing but love to offer to people and seriously I couldn't ask to be a part of a better house, despite some of the church members who doubted them, I love both sides with all of my heart. College is when I think people are supposed to begin deciding to make their own choices and search for who he/she is and what he/she is aspiring to be. And that's what I'm slowly doing. Its summer of 2012, and i just got done moving back home from the dorms up in SLC. One thing that I realized is that moving is one of the biggest hassles of my life! Haha, I never noticed how things could pile up!! But another thing that I came to the conclusion of this week, after going to church yesterday and it being Mother's Day and all, family is so important and I'm so blessed to have one that really does care for me, and one that will always have open arms for me. The importance may sometimes be undermined by the materialistic items that seem to consume us more and more. Or maybe it's the temptations that are placed upon our shoulders that some may not be able to carry the burden of. But in reality, you don't have to worry about carrying that burden or care about who has the newest, nicest things. If love is what brought you into this world, then isn't that the essential thing that we as a people need to focus more on? There are so many families sufferring out in America (now more than ever) from verbal/physical abuse, adultery, lying, addictions, and so much more... These are just the few that are letting the evil consume them and make them forget what really, initially brought them together. I don't mean to make it sound like I'm preaching but, whatever you believe in, there's always love that brings out the best in people. Life is a very precious thing, you know? A lot of the time, many people don't realize that death is a part of it as well. Now, no one should have to bear the loss of a loved one, friend, neighbor, or co-worker. But, facing reality at its finest, it happens. I hate to be the one to admit that we as humans, hate to see someone go. "If only I had one more minute with him/her..." "What could I have done differently?" "I wish I would've said..." These are just some of the thoughts that we may think when we realize they are gone. But the fact of the matter is, it's going to happen. It is an inevitable part of life and yes, it does suck. I'll admit that much, but if you really do care and love that person, with time it heals everything. I've learned the hard way with two little kids I babysat that have passed. I still to this day remember the book the brother would always have me read, how their smiling little faces with random missing teeth that are with the tooth fairy would always ask for treats, and even the way they would line up ever so quietly when we would go outside. You know, they say you never know the worth of eater until your well is dry. And it's true, it's sad that things have to be taken away from us in order for the majority of us to be grateful for it. I'm trying to work on that trait, and I challenge all of you out there to work on it too. Everyone can be better person, it just takes a little motivation to become better. And I hope that when you lose hope, just know that I believe in you and will always have faith in those that try to better themselves. The time is now to start, so what are we waiting for. Let's get to it surfer dudes, hippie children, and punk rockers! Power to the people my friends!! Until the next time, peace and blessings :)

Monday, May 7, 2012

What's cookin' good lookin's!? LONG time no talk... & that's my fault. Woops!

Well, it's official, I've finished my freshman year of college and has it been one hell of a rollercoaster!
I must say I have met so many amazing people this past year and have been blessed with opportunities I never thought I would be able to take upon in a million years. I know that this is my quotes blog, and mainly yes it is specifically for that purpose, but last night something happened that made me realize life is just too short to not express how you feel in one way or another. Most of the time, I can find exactly how I feel through specific quotes that I find, but some days I find myself wanting to spill my whole life story... kinda... but not really. Sort of.

So, I know this will probably get kind of lengthy, considering I am deciding to write my whole year's worth of happenings... but bare with me! Some of these things are really worth reading... :)

Right from the:

Well, it was on a blazing hot August day when I made my way to the University of Utah... I don't know if it's just me or what, but I never really actually thought of myself going to college. I mean, as a kid I always thought it was like you go to high school and then somehow, someday you become a doctor and you're the coolest person after that. Or something along the lines of that. What I did not think of was all the more years of education piled on top of after graduating high school and all the stress that accompanies it! Regardless of all the stress, college is an experience that I think everyone should be have. 

Okay, I lied. I thought that this specific blog would be longer, but I had to put it on hold for a second. So I will just stop right here, and I will be back soon  to continue on. I love you all!

I'll finish this post off with a quote, one that I think is necessary for the time being.
"We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope." -Martin Luther King Jr.

Until the next time ladies & gents.