The Quotation Marks

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Even the young can see.

Most of the time, the saying that "Mommy and daddy always knows what's best" is something that is used in times of distress. Especially when it involves their own children in the instance. Well, what many people of the younger population today are trying to do, is defy not only the purpose of that saying, but also prove that children can have the opportunity to make 'adult-like' decisions. As I was just streaming through YouTube today, I came across this video of a young 12 year old girl that made probably one of the most courageous moves that I have yet to see such a young girl do. She took the initiative among her and her classmates, to approach the United Nations about the exponentially growing issues that aren't being taken care of. In such a manner that she stood up at the podium (which only certain delegates usually do) and expressed the importance of the ignored problems as they escalate to extremes that even she can see will deteriorate the Earth as a whole. It's amazing what one voice can do. But with that, there needs to be the initial voice to introduce the unsolved demeanor. Take a look, it's something that I would recommend to take 5 minutes out of your day to see what that voice can do, even if it's not mommy or daddy doing the talking.

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