The Quotation Marks

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Preachin' to the Choir.

Have you ever gone a day without thanking the Big Guy for everything you have?
I mean, let's get real here: you wouldn't have it all if it wasn't for him.
So what I came to the conclusion is, through alllll of the homework, finals, finances, friend troubles, family discrepancies, and boy drama... I am too blessed to be stressed!

I went to church on Christmas morning, and it was probably one of the best days ever. Actually, what could be better than celebrating the dearest Lord & my Savior baby Jesus being born!!!??!?!

The answer to that rhetorical question: N O T H I N G .

During the sermon, I was listening in to see what the shenanigans it was all about...
and surprisingly enough, what caught my attention most was the mercy and grace that has been put upon us without us deserving it, so for that Thank You. That's the best Christmas present ever. Well, that and forgiveness.

I am pretty stubborn when it comes to a lot of things, and I try to forgive those that have hurt me or anything along the lines of that... but let's get real, I still hold grudges at times. Which sucks. Big time.

SOOOOOO, considering the new year is about to begin, I need to make some resolutions, which that will be one of them, overall everyone tries to be the best person they can be. But what some may not realize is that, it's the little things that build up to that great person. So I figure I would start with something little like forgiveness.

Forgiving someone no matter what they do to you, in truth, is the best thing you could probably give them besides love. And you know what? I am making it a creed of mine to try and do just that.
So here is my public service announcement:

To all that this may regard and matter... To those that have done wrong doing near, beside, at, or by me... I forgive you. And to all that I have betrayed, hurt, lied to, or anything else that you all don't deserve, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I broke our trust, I'm sorry for trespassing against you. I would love to be your friend again. You all have made me who I am today, and I thank you for that. To those that are hurting, stay strong. There's always someone out there for you, and when you are in doubt, turn to the Lord, as cheesy as you may think that sounds, he'll never leave... And I promise, if you think you have no one else, I'll be your champion in your absence. 

So thank you for every Big Guy, you da beeeessssst. :)

Until the next time, Peace & Blessings in the words of Glozell.

Oh, and Carli... I been thinking about you. :)

1 comment:

  1. For if you forgive people their trespasses [their reckless and willful sins, leaving them, letting them go, and giving up resentment], your heavenly Father will also forgive you. Matthew 6: 14

    love you baby girl
